A valance is a wondrous thing; it hides all the things that lurk under your bed and also finishes off your bedroom rather beautifully. This lovely, rich Darkest Spruce Twill Cotton Linen Valance is a glorious colour and, even better, is made by our friends in Portugal using up all the left-over fabric from the production of our twill curtains.
A lovely blend of 50% cotton and 50% linen has been woven together to create this very pretty and soft twill skirt, with the valance base being a simple 100% cotton percale. Available in four sizes – single to super king - Darkest Spruce Twill Cotton Linen Valance has smart pleats at each corner and a 41cm drop to suit most beds.
This valance can be machine washed at 40 degrees and might need a little iron to perfect the pleats.